Matrix Conference 2024

State of the Matrix Dart SDK 2024
09-21, 15:15–15:45 (Europe/Berlin), LAB 4

The Matrix Dart SDK is one of the major feature rich Matrix client SDKs out there. It powers quite a few matrix clients including FluffyChat on everything i.e mobile, web, desktop!

meeep, you might remember me from the dart sdk twims!

This talk aims to show some of the features I find pretty cool in the Matrix Dart SDK, a cross platform, very much batteries included SDK made at Famedly and used all over the healthcare industry in Germany already!

We will go over what features it supports, how some of it's internals work and how they make it easier for you to handle complicated topics like UIA, SSSS, calls etc.

Additionally we will also go over some fancy mechanisms we use to make sure a chat client feels snappy!

Lastly we will also take a look at how you can extend the existing functionality easily for your client.

See also: slides (512.5 KB)

td does matrix and webrtc stuff at Famedly. More at: