Matrix Conference 2024

Call for Proposals

The Matrix Foundation is thrilled to announce the inaugural Matrix Conference, a landmark event uniting the diverse and dynamic Matrix community, set to take place on 19-22 September at Mitosis Labs in Berlin, Germany. This annual nexus will bring together community members, ecosystem contributors, vendors, technology evangelists, business drivers, and political decision-makers to forge the future of decentralized communication.

By participating in this groundbreaking conference, you will have the unique opportunity to engage directly with the Matrix community, share your insights, and help shape the trajectory of decentralized and secure communication. Join us to collaborate, innovate, and drive the evolution of Matrix technology.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this pivotal event. Together, we can build a more open, secure, and interconnected world.

Submit your short (20min + 10min Q&A) or long (45min + 10min Q&A) talk, workshop, or sprint proposal on all the topics related to Matrix now!

For more info about the Matrix Conference, read the CfP blog post.

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, June 30th, 09:59 AM AOE. This equals June 30th, 23:59 CEST (Berlin time).